Učilnica je čustveni prostor, znotraj katerega učenci doživljajo in izražajo različna čustva – vezana na pouk, sošolce, učitelje, nekatera prinesejo s seboj od doma. V vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu so prevečkrat zanemarjena. Vplivajo pa na motivacijo, zaznavanje in mnoge druge dejavnike uspešnega učenja. Novejše raziskave opozarjajo, da do pomembnih napredkov ne pride na osnovi samega spoznavanja ali treninga uspešnih strategij, če ob tem ne upoštevamo kompleksnega niza čustev, odnosa do učenja, predmeta, učitelja in do sebe kot učenca. Čuječnost je praksa, ki pri posamezniku spodbuja krepitev empatije, povečuje zmožnost čustvene regulacije, izboljša pozornost in koncentracijo, pripomore k večji umirjenosti ter povezanosti tako s samim sabo kot znotraj skupine. Tako lahko prek vpeljevanja le-te v šole, najprej prek učitelja, ki jo lahko prenese tudi na učence, ustvarimo učno okolje, ki bo z zmožnostjo čustvene regulacije pripomoglo k boljši učni uspešnosti.
The Impact of Emotions on Learning Success at the Class Level
The classroom is an emotional space where students experience and express different emotions – about school, their classmates, their teachers and sometimes also about their family life – which are, in the educational process, too often neglected but still affect motivation, perception and many other factors important for successful learning. Recent studies emphasise that, in order to achieve any significant progress, a complex set of emotions must be taken into account, in addition to relying on learning or reinforcing successful strategies, which includes students’ attitude towards learning, subjects, teachers and themselves as students. Awareness is a practice that fosters in the individual greater empathy, increases emotional regulation, improves concentration and focus, and contributes to enhanced balance and connection both within oneself and the group. By introducing the practice of awareness in schools – through the teacher who can then teach it to students – we can create a learning environment that will contribute, using emotional regulation, to better learning results.