Prispevek skuša osvetliti dogajanje iz bližnjega zgodovinskega obdobja, ko so mladi fantje morali opraviti vojaško obveznost. Srednješolske klopi so zamenjale vojašnice v takratni skupni državi Jugoslaviji. V ospredje so stopila povelja v t. i. srbohrvaškem jeziku, ukazi nadrejenih, stroga disciplina in prisega, da bodo zvesto služili svoji domovini. Danes mladostniki o tem poslušajo pripovedovati svoje očete in dede, a se jim zdi ta čas potisnjen v meglo. Brez moderne tehnologije, maminih kosil in ukazov, ki jih preslišijo, so daleč od soočanja z zgodovinskim dogajanjem, ki je nekoč krojilo naš vsakdan. Zato jim ta del življenja približajo knjige. In ne vedo, priznajo, kako bi se s tem soočili danes.
Military Service? Ah!
The purpose of the article is to shed light on the events from the relatively recent historical period in the former Yugoslavia, when young boys had to perform compulsory military service. Leaving their high school classroom environment for military posts, they had to listen to orders in the Serbo-Croatian language and obey their superiors, abide by a strict discipline and give an oath to faithfully serve their country. Today, young people listen to their fathers and grandfathers describe their experiences, but feel removed from this period of time. Without the modern technology, their mothers’ preparing their meals and orders they pretend not to hear, they feel very distant from these historical events that were once part of our everyday lives. Therefore, they learn about them from books and, as they admit themselves, they do not know how they would face them today.