Karierno odločanje mladih je zelo pomemben in hkrati kompleksen proces. Odločitev za izbiro poklica oziroma šole je vedno stvar mladostnika, kakovost njegove odločitve pa je odvisna tudi od podpore, ki je je deležen v času svojega šolanja. Namen članka je predstaviti pomembnost raznolike podpore, ki so je mladi deležni v procesu kariernega odločanja od šole in šolskih strokovnih delavcev, svojih staršev ter drugih deležnikov. V osrednjem delu članka bomo predstavili Karierni plac – Karierni center za mlade in osvetlili njegovo vlogo pri opolnomočenju mladih za načrtovanje in vodenje kariere. Članek bomo sklenili s konkretnimi predlogi in razmisleki, ki bodo šolskim strokovnim delavcem omogočili, da nove ideje na področju karierne orientacije preizkusijo tudi v svoji šolski praksi.
Role of Career Centre for Young People in Choosing a Vocation or School
Young people’s career decision making is a very important and complex process. The choice of vocation or school is always up to the young person but the quality of his/her decision also depends on the support received during schooling. The purpose of the article is to show the importance of the diverse support received by young people in the career decision-making process from the school and from the professional school staff , their parents and other stakeholders. The core of the article will present Karierni Plac – Karierni center za mlade (Career Centre for Young People) and highlight its role in empowering young people to plan and manage their careers. Th e article will conclude with specific suggestions and thoughts that will enable professional school staff to try out new career guidance ideas in their school practice.