V prispevku je predstavljeno formativno spremljanje in ocenjevanje učenčevega napredka kot eden izmed
načinov dela, ki uspešno sledi smernicam sodobnega pouka in vodi učence na poti optimalnega razvijanja
spretnosti in sposobnosti skladno z njihovimi zmožnostmi. V prvem delu so predstavljene predvsem prednosti tega načina dela z željo, da bi učitelji uvideli praktično vrednost, ki bi jih spodbudila k načrtnemu in sistematičnemu vnašanju strategij formativnega spremljanja v lastno poučevalno prakso. Posebej so izpostavljene prednosti sodelovanja učencev pri načrtovanju ciljev ter kriterijev uspešnosti in njihovega samovrednotenja ter samoregulacije učenja. Vpeljava omenjenih strategij v prakso z opisom težav, ki se lahko ob tem pojavijo, je ponazorjena na primeru obravnave vsebinskega sklopa obseg in ploščina kroga v osmem razredu.
Introducing Formative Assessment for the Topic of Circle and Circumference
This paper presents the formative assessment and evaluation of a student’s progress as a work method that successfully follows the guidelines for contemporary instruction and guides students on the path to optimally developing their skills and abilities, in accordance with their capabilities. The first part primarily presents the advantages of this work method with the desire to make the teachers see its practical value, which would encourage them to deliberately and systematically introduce formative assessment strategies into their own teaching practice. It points out the advantages of students participating in the planning of objectives and success criteria, and of their self-assessment and self-regulation of learning. The introduction of the above-mentioned strategies into practice and a description of problems that may arise in the process is illustrated on the example of discussing the topic of the length of circumference and area of the circle and circumference in the eighth grade.