V prispevku je opisan pouk s četrtošolci, ko se v okviru družbe začnejo podrobneje seznanjati z orientacijo in zemljevidi. Predstavljen je tudi primer dobre prakse, ko se pouk razširi med police v šolsko knjižnico, kjer se učenci orientirajo, poglobljeno seznanijo z legendo ter postavitvijo gradiva. Omenjena je tudi povezava pouka s šolo v naravi, ki je nadgradnja in prenos teorije v prakso.
Learning about Maps with Fourth-graders in the School Library
The article describes a fourth-grade class where students begin to learn more about orientation and maps in the subject Society. It also includes a good practice example of expanding the learning process to the school library, where students practice orientation, learn, in greater detail, about the concept of the legend and are introduced to the placement of the material. The article also mentions the connection between learning in the classroom and out-of-school classes, as an upgrade and a transition of knowledge from theory to practice.