Eden izmed pomembnih ciljev učiteljev, ki želijo samostojne in odgovorne učence, je, da pri učencih razvijajo spretnost samopreverjanja pravilnosti reševanja nalog. Do sedaj ni veliko znanega o tem, katere vire informacij učenci pri procesu preverjanja uporabljajo. Temeljni namen prispevka je torej predstaviti učenčeve načine preverjanja pravilnosti reševanja nalog, kar nam bo pomagalo bolje razumeti učenčev proces samospremljanja pri reševanju nalog ter pri učencih razvijati pomembne elemente pri oblikovanju točne ocene lastnega znanja.
Student Self-Checking the Correctness of Task-Solving in Mathematics
A student self-checking the correctness of the solved mathematical tasks should be the central goal of primary school teachers who wish to foster responsible learners. However, there is not enough evidence about which information sources the students use in this process. Finding out more about the basis of their self-assessment (that is, the sources of information the students use) aft er doing mathematical tasks, would be helpful in understanding the students’ self-monitoring processes and would help the students to become better self-assessors of their mathematical knowledge.