Prispevek prikazuje obravnavo književnega besedila in proces tvorjenja poustvarjalnega besedila ob gradivu z vključenimi elementi formativnega spremljanja. Prikazan je primer priprave na šolsko nalogo, kjer so učenci na osnovi navodil za pisanje in odlomka iz besedila zapisali besedila, jih medvrstniško vrednotili, prejeli tudi povratno informacijo učiteljice, in dobili priložnost, da jih izboljšajo, tako da pri tem odpravijo pomanjkljivosti, na katere so bili opozorjeni. Učenci so bili ves čas učnega procesa aktivni in so imeli pregled nad svojim učenjem in napredkom ter tako dosegli zastavljene cilje.
Writing an Essay Based on a Literary Text and Following the Elements of Formative Assessment
The article introduces the reading of a literary text and the process of writing an essay with the material which includes the elements of formative assessment. The example illustrates that the students prepared for the assignment by writing the texts based on the writing instructions and an extract from the text, evaluated them through peer assessment and received the teacher’s feedback. This provided them with an opportunity to improve their texts by correcting the points mentioned by their peers and teacher. The students were actively engaged throughout the learning process, with an overview of their learning, which allowed them to achieve their learning objectives.