Trst – prostori meje – raziskovanje ‘in situ’ z uporabo elementov formativnega spremljanja

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Gremo v Trst. V svetovljansko mesto s pridihom Sredozemlja, da bomo znali razpoznati njegov položaj v srednjeevropskem prostoru nekoč in danes. Dvajsetega aprila 2023 smo pionirsko načrtovano strokovno ekskurzijo, zunaj meja Slovenije, tudi nadvse uspešno izpeljali. Z devetošolci, ki so si izbrali izbirni predmet Oblika in slog, s sedmošolkama, obiskovalkama dodatnih ur zgodovine, ter z učenci, ki sodelujejo pri kulturno-umetniških vsebinah, ki jih uprizarjamo na naši šoli, smo s pripravami na ekskurzijo začeli septembra 2022. Za sodelovanje smo uspeli pridobiti strokovnjaka, ki ima v poznavanju prostora dolgoletne, bogate izkušnje ter nam je z različnih zornih kotov resnično oplemenitil naš pogled na prostor. Tržaška obzorja, tudi podzemna, nam je namreč pomagal širiti gospod Franc Malečkar, odličen poznavalec prostora meje.


Let us go to Trieste. To a cosmopolitan city with a hint of the Mediterranean, so we can identify its position in the Central European area in the past and present. We successfully carried out the pioneer field trip beyond the borders of Slovenia on 20 April 2023. Preparations for the field trip began in September 2022 with ninth graders who had chosen the elective subject Form and Style, with two seventh graders who were attending extra history lessons, and with pupils participating in the cultural and artistic performances staged at our school. We were able to get an expert to work with us; someone who has spent years learning about this area, and who has truly enriched our views of space from various angles. The expert who has broadened our Trieste horizons, including the underground ones, is Mr Franc Malečkar, a connoisseur of the border space.