Učenci se v času osnovnošolskega izobraževanja srečujejo tudi s težavami, neuspehi in stresnimi situacijami. V zadnjem času je zaznati porast učencev s specifičnimi učnimi težavami. Otroci vsem težavam niso kos, zato se težko zberejo, so nemirni, napeti in hitro naveličani vsega. To se kaže kot telesna in čustvena bolečina. Nekateri učitelji že uporabljajo sprostitvene tehnike. Na naši šoli smo v ta namen uredili posebno čutilno sobo in izvedli sprostitvene dejavnosti s pomočjo zgodb. Učenci so se sprostili in izrazili željo, da bi se takšne ure izvajale še naprej.
Relaxation through Storytelling
Primary school students can also face problems, failure and stressful situations. Recently, there has been an increase in students with special education needs. Since children cannot handle all of the difficulties, they find it challenging to focus, they become restless and tense, and get quickly tired of everything. This can manifest as physical and emotional pain, and some of the teachers are already using relaxation techniques to alleviate that. For this purpose, we set up a special »feeling room« at our school with storytelling relaxation activities. The students are benefitting from the relaxation and have asked to keep it going.