Članek analizira geografske vidike dveh Prežihovih novel – Boja na požiralniku in Samorastnikov. Ob poglobljenih študijah literarnih zgodovinarjev to ni lahko, čeprav je, kljub poglobljenim raziskavam različnih razsežnosti obeh novel oziroma Prežihovih del, skoraj nemogoče napisati kaj povsem novega – lahko samo poudarimo nekatere vidike, ki v običajni (literarni) preučitvi navadno niso toliko izpostavljeni. Drug motiv za pričujoči zapis pa je ugotovitev, da se obe noveli pogosto izbirata tudi kot maturitetno branje. Potemtakem dodatna osvetlitev geografskih dimenzij ni nesmiselno delo, saj lahko tudi geografija prispeva h kakovostnejši analizi in doživljanju obeh zgodb.
Novellas Samorastniki and Boj na požiralniku in Geography Lessons
This article analyses the geographical aspects of two novellas by Prežihov Voranc – Boj na požiralniku and Samorastniki. This is no easy task, considering the in-depth studies of literary historians, though, despite the in-depth research into various dimensions of both novellas or of the works of Prežihov Voranc, it is almost impossible to write anything new – we can merely highlight certain aspects that are usually not pointed out in traditional (literary) studies. Another motive for writing this text is the finding that both novellas are often selected as required reading for the Matura examination for secondary school students. Thus, a further clarification of the geographical dimensions is not pointless, since Geography can help us to better analyse and experience both stories.