Šolska knjižnica na OŠ Orehek Kranj odlično deluje in šolska knjižničarka se zelo trudi zadovoljiti uporabnike knjižnice. Vendar vseeno še vedno premalo učencev pozna vse aktivnosti, ki se dogajajo v šolski knjižnici. Z učenci, ki dejavnosti knjižnice dobro poznajo, smo skušali navdušiti še preostale učence. Odločili smo se, da naredimo reklamo. Skupaj smo zastavili, kakšna naj bo reklama, iskali smo ideje in reklamo tudi posneli. Glavni pripomočki so bile platnice knjig in naslovi, s pomočjo katerih smo sestavili besedilo reklame za branje in za obisk šolske knjižnice. Tudi samo snemanje, dogajanje na šoli je bilo za marsikoga motivacijsko in številni učenci so že med samim snemanjem reklame prišli v knjižnico. Naša reklama je tako že med nastajanjem in tudi po predvajanju dosegla svoj namen – privabila je bralce v šolsko knjižnico.
School Library Commercial
The school library is running smoothly and the school librarian is working very hard to satisfy the needs of its users. Nevertheless, not enough pupils are aware of and familiar with all the activities taking place in the school library. Together with the pupils who are very familiar with the library’s activities, we tried to make the other pupils excited about them. We decided to make a commercial. Together with the pupils, we designed the commercial, looked for ideas and in the end filmed the commercial. The main props we used were book covers and titles, from which we compiled the text for the commercial that was intended to attract pupils to read and to visit the school library. The filming itself and the events taking place at the school were motivational for many pupils, who stopped by the library while we were still filming the commercial. Thus, our commercial had already achieved its purpose during its making and after it was broadcast – it attracted readers to the school library.