Razvijanje osebnih in socialnih kompetenc učencev

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Osebni in socialni razvoj, ki vključuje razvijanje osebnih in socialnih kompetenc učencev, je eno od osnovnih področij dela šolske svetovalne službe in pomembno prispeva k vzgojnemu delovanju šole. Šolski svetovalni delavec lahko k razvijanju teh kompetenc prispeva z vključevanjem v pouk in druge oblike vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela. Ob timskem pristopu v sodelovanju z (razrednim) učiteljem lahko pripravi in izvede dejavnosti, ki imajo dolgoročne učinke. Takšno je na primer področje medsebojnih odnosov med učenci s poudarkom na reševanju konfliktnih okoliščin. Za delo na tem področju je uporaben sklop delavnic, ki z različnimi oblikami dela prispevajo h krepitvi medsebojnih odnosov med učenci in razvijanju zmožnosti samostojnega konstruktivnega reševanja konfliktov.


Chronically Ill Pupils – Support from Counselling Service

Personal and social development, which encompasses the development of students’ personal and social competences, is one of the basic areas of work of a school counselling service and contributes significantly to the school’s educational function. A school counsellor can contribute to the development of said competences by becoming involved in classes and other forms of educational work. Using a team approach, in cooperation with the (class) teacher, the counsellor can prepare and carry out activities with long-term effects. One relevant field is the interpersonal relationships among students, with emphasis on conflict resolution. Work in this field can benefit from a set of workshops that contribute to strengthening interpersonal relationships among students and developing their abilities of independent, constructive conflict resolution using various work methods.