V šolskem letu 2022/2023 smo obeleževali 150-letnico stavbe Prve gimnazije Maribor. Kot poklon »lepotici na Maistrovem trgu« sem z izjemnim timom dijakov in dijakinj ustvaril izobraževalno družabno igro, s katero smo se pobliže dotaknili zanimive zgodovine naše šole in mesta. Zgodovinskim dejstvom smo primešali nekaj fantazije in tako oblikovali preplet skrivnosti, ugank in prekletstva, ki se jih udeleženci lotijo v obliki interaktivnega sprehoda po šoli. Rešitev igre in s tem usode šole je odvisna od iznajdljivosti in sodelovanja celotne ekipe. Ker so bili dijaki in dijakinje soustvarjalci projekta, je ta namenjen predvsem njim, pa tudi zaposlenim na šoli, nekdanjim dijakom in dijakinjam ter drugim. S tem projektom se dijaki in dijakinje Prve gimnazije Maribor seznanijo z uporabno vrednostjo zgodovinskih virov, saj z njihovo pomočjo spoznajo zgodovino šole in Maribora.
Quadrivium, Interactive Educational Project on the 150th Anniversary of the Building of the Maribor First Grammar School
In the 2022/2023 school year, we commemorated the 150th anniversary of the building of the Maribor First General Upper Secondary School. As a tribute to the “beauty in General Maister Square”, I created an educational board game with an exceptional team of students, which takes a closer look at the interesting history of our school and city. We have incorporated a touch of fantasy into the historical facts, intertwining mysteries, puzzles and curses, which the participants embark on in the form of an interactive tour of the school. Solving the game and consequently the fate of the school depends on the resourcefulness and cooperation of the entire team. As the students were the co-creators of the project, it is intended primarily for them, but also for the school staff, former students, and others. Under the project, students of the Maribor First General Upper Secondary School come to know the usefulness of historical sources, as they learn about the history of the school and of Maribor through them.