Puščavska pustolovščina in neznane dežele: opis države

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Učenci v 7. razredu pri pouku slovenščine spoznajo, kako opisati državo, pri pouku so aktivno vključeni in novo snov spoznavajo ob igri in s sodelovalnim učenjem. Učiteljica se je odločila, da bo pouk organizirala tako, da bodo učenci pri delu uporabljali različne vire. Ob bralni strategiji so učenci pozorni na branje z razumevanjem in na določanje ključnih besed. Na podlagi vzorčnega besedila sami oblikujejo kriterije uspešnosti za tvorjenje opisa države. V naslednjem koraku pa sami tvorijo opis poljubne države, podatke pa poiščejo v različnih virih, ki so jim na voljo. Ob tem je pomembno tudi, da navedejo, katere vire so uporabili, in učiteljica jim poda navodilo, kako le-te navesti. Ves čas dela z viri sta jim na voljo navodilo in vzorec navajanja virov, s katerim si lahko pomagajo. Dodana vrednot tega opisanega primera je tudi povezava z geografijo in knjižničnimi vsebinami.


A Desert Adventure and Unknown Lands: A Description of a Country

In Slovenian language class in the 7th grade students learn how to describe a country; they are actively involved in the lessons and learn about the new topic through play and cooperative learning. The teacher decided to organize the lessons so that the students would work with different sources. By employing a reading strategy, the students make sure that they read with comprehension and identify the keywords. The students develop their own success criteria for preparing a description of a country based on a sample text. In the next step they create their own description of a random country, looking up the information in the different sources available. It is also important that they mention the sources they used; the teacher gives them instructions on how to cite the sources used. While working with sources, they can refer to the instructions and the sample citations at any time. The added value of the example described is its link with geography and library contents.