V prispevku predstavljamo nekatere značilnosti neuradnega fazaniranja dijakov novincev s strani starejših dijakov, ki smo jih pridobili v okviru dveh slovenskih študij. V prvi smo preučevali, kako ta pojav zaznajo novinci tarče. Od 79 dijakov novincev, ki so bili aktivno udeleženi pri neuradnem fazaniranju kot tarče, jih je 43 odstotkov sodelovalo pod prisilo. Najpogosteje so sodelovali pri nedolžnem fazaniranju, 28 odstotkov pa jih je bilo deležnih hujših oblik fazaniranja (z elementi medvrstniškega nasilja in nasilnega fazaniranja). V drugi študiji smo ugotavljali zaznave tega pojava med izvajalci fazanerji. V vzorcu dijakov četrtega letnika je bilo 25,4 odstotka fazanerjev, od tega jih je 60 odstotkov fazaniranje izvajalo dve ali tri leta. Izkazalo se je še, da imajo pri novincih najbolj negativna stališča do fazaniranja opazovalci, pri fazanerjih pa tisti dijaki, ki izvajajo le milejše oblike fazaniranja. V prispevku razpravljamo o psiholoških mehanizmih pri fazanerjih in tarčah, da opravičijo svojo vlogo pri fazaniranju, ter praktičnih implikacijah teh ugotovitev za šolo.
A Psychological View of Freshmen Hazing from the Perspective of Both Students Who Bully and Freshmen – Targets
The article describes some of the characteristics of unofficial hazing of freshmen by older students observed in two Slovenian studies. In the first study, our aim was to find the perspective of freshmen – targets. Of 79 percent of freshmen who were actively involved in official hazing as targets, 43 percent cooperated involuntarily. The most frequent form of freshmen hazing was mild, while 28 percent experienced more severe forms of freshmen hazing (with elements of peer violence and violent freshmen hazing). In the second study, our aim was to determine the perspective of students who bully. The sample of fourth-year students included 25,4 percent of those who bully, of which 60 percent had been hazing or two or three years. We also found that the most negative opinions of freshmen hazing among freshmen was expressed by those observing, and among students who bully freshmen, by those who perform only milder forms of freshmen hazing. The article discusses the psychological mechanisms in students who bully freshmen as well as in targets who need to explain their role in freshmen hazing, and the practical implications of these findings for the school.