Preverjanje znanja z uporabo orodja Plickers

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V prispevku je opisano preverjanje znanja pri pouku fizike s pomočjo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) in orodja Plickers. Orodje je brezplačno dostopno na spletni strani, učitelj pa za njegovo uporabo potrebuje dostop do interneta, računalnik, projektor ter pametni telefon ali tablični računalnik. Učenci potrebujejo kartice, s katerimi prikažejo svoje odgovore. Kartice pripravi učitelj in so dostopne na omenjeni spletni strani. Učitelj lahko oblikuje vprašanja izbirnega tipa ali pa trditve, ki jih učenci označijo za pravilne ali napačne. Učenci za preverjanje znanja s tem orodjem ne potrebujejo telefona, tabličnega računalnika ali druge opreme. Rezultati so vidni takoj, ko učitelj poskenira odgovore učencev. Učitelj dobi na voljo statistiko o tem, kako so pri nalogah odgovarjali posamezniki, koliko se jih je odločilo za posamezen odgovor in kolikšen je njihov delež. Rezultate učencev lahko skupaj z vprašanji in odgovori natisne in hrani vse šolsko leto.


Knowledge Assessment Using the Plickers Tool

The paper describes knowledge assessment in Physics lessons using information and communication technology (ICT) and the Plickers tool. The tool is accessible free of charge on the website; to use it, the teacher needs Internet access, a computer, projector, and a smartphone or tablet computer. The pupils need cards with which they will show their answers. The teacher prepares the cards, which are accessible on the above-mentioned website. The teacher can formulate multiple-choice questions or statements which the pupils mark as correct or incorrect. To assess their knowledge with this tool, the pupils do not need a phone, tablet computer or other equipment. The results are visible as soon as the teacher scans the pupils’ answers. The teacher is provided with the statistics on how
individual pupils answered the questions, on how many of them decided on a specific answer, and on their proportions. The teacher can print the pupils’ results along with the questions and answers, and hold on to them throughout the school year.