Prenova učbenikov geografije sveta in Evrope ter vprašanje razporeditve sklopov učnih ciljev in vsebin v geografski vertikali

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Pri pripravi novih učbenikov za gimnazije je bilo treba v učbenik geografije Evrope dodati več novih vsebin kot v učbenik geografije sveta. Zapis operativnih učnih ciljev v učnem načrtu se je izkazal za dovolj ohlapnega, da so se lahko v učbenika brez težav vključevale tudi nove vsebine. Anketirani osnovnošolski učitelji so z veliko večino (80 %) potrdili, da je sedanja razporeditev učnih ciljev in vsebin po razredih zanje ustrezna. Prav tako je zanje (z delno izjemo 7. razreda) večinoma ustrezen tudi obseg učnih ciljev in vsebin. Okoli dve tretjini učiteljev v gimnazijskem programu je zadovoljnih s sedanjo razporeditvijo učnih ciljev in vsebin po letnikih. Med tretjino ostalih učiteljev ni enotnih pogledov, kakšna razporeditev bi bila ustreznejša. Razen pri geografiji Slovenije se zdi učiteljem večinoma ustrezen tudi obseg učnih ciljev in vsebin po vsebinskih sklopih.


Renewal of Textbooks of Geography of the World and Europe and the Issue of Distribution of Sets of Learning Objectives and Contents in the Geographical Vertical

When preparing new textbooks for grammar schools (secondary education), more new content had to be added to the textbook of geography of Europe than to the textbook of geography of World. The notation of learning objectives in the curriculum is loose enough that many new contents could be incorporated into the textbooks without any problems. The surveyed primary school teachers confirmed by a large majority (80%) that the current distribution of learning objectives and contents by grades is appropriate for them. Also, for them (with the partial exception of 7th grade), the scope of learning objectives and contents is mostly appropriate. About two-thirds of teachers in the grammar school (secondary education) curriculum are satisfied with the current distribution of learning objectives and content by grades. There is no consensus among a third of other teachers on what a more appropriate distribution would be. Except in the case of the geography of Slovenia, the scope of learning objectives and contents by content sets seems to be enough appropriate for teachers.