Prehod na COBISS v knjižnici OŠ Vodice

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Decembra 2015 je začel veljati Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o knjižnicah, ki vključuje tudi obveznost vključitve šolskih knjižnic v sistem COBISS v roku treh let. V prispevku je predstavljena izkušnja prehoda na sistem COBISS v knjižnici OŠ Vodice pred uveljavitvijo zakona. Predstavljeni so vzroki za odločitev o prehodu, potek prehoda in usklajevanje s preostalim delom knjižničarja. Avtorica izpostavi možnosti, ki jih nudi prehod na COBISS, in opozori na pomembne faze v postopku prehoda.


Switching to COBISS at the Vodice Primary School Library

In December 2015, the Act Amending the Librarianship Act entered into force; it requires school libraries to join the COBISS system within the next three years. The paper presents the experience of the library of the Vodice Primary School with switching to the COBISS system before the act entered into force. It presents the reasons for deciding to switch to it, the process of switching to it, and coordinating it with the librarian’s other work. The author highlights the opportunities offered by switching to COBISS and points out the important stages in the process of switching to it.