Bonton veleva, da se ob vstopu v knjižnico pozdravi. Opažanja v knjižnici kažejo, da to ni več samoumevno. Zastavlja se vprašanje, ali je možno pozdravljanje izboljšati, in če, na kakšen način. Za aktualno tematiko se je odločil učenec Osnovne šole Karla Destovnika-Kajuha Šoštanj in izdelal raziskovalno nalogo. Njen cilj je bil, da bi se pozdravljanje v knjižnici izboljšalo. Najprej je potekalo opazovanje, da bi se ugotovilo, v kolikšni meri učenci in učenke sploh pozdravljajo. Sledil je tritedenski poskus z uporabo robota, ki je učence in učenke pozdravil: »Dober dan«. Sledilo je ponovno opazovanje z uporabo in po uporabi robota. Robot v knjižnici je prispeval k temu, da učenci in učenke pozdravljajo bolj dosledno.
Greeting when Entering the Library
The etiquette says that we should greet when entering the library. According to what was observed at the library, however, this is no longer a general rule. The question arises whether greeting can be improved, and if so, in what way. The topic was explored in a research paper by a student from the Karel Destovnik-Kajuh Primary School in Šoštanj. The aim of the paper was to make greeting a more common practice. This was done by first observing to determine to what extent students greet when entering the library. Then, a three-week experiment was carried out using a robot who greeted the students by saying: “Good afternoon.” Another observation then followed during and after the use of the robot. It was found that the robot used in the library contributed to students’ more consistent greeting practice.