Povezovanje knjižnice in pouka slovenščine z metodo fit4kid

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V prispevku je predstavljen primer dobre prakse pri medpredmetni povezavi šolske knjižnice z uro slovenščine v 6. razredu. Vpeljani so bili elementi formativnega spremljanja in preizkušene nekatere vsebine modela fit4kid. S formativnim spremljanjem želimo učence spodbuditi, da aktivno sodelujejo pri učenju, z modelom fit4kid pa dosežemo, da se sočasno aktivirajo možgani in telo, kar povzroči večjo učinkovitost pri učenju. Učenci so najprej ponovili znanje o pravljicah, spoznali tri glavne sestavne dele pravljice in nato kot dokaz o pridobljenem znanju ustvarili nove pravljice.


Linking the Library and Slovenian Language Lessons Using the fit4kid Method

The article presents an example of good practice in a cross-curricular link with a Slovenian Language lesson in the 6th grade. Formative assessment elements were introduced, and some of the contents of the fit4kid model were tried out. Through formative assessment we want to encourage pupils to actively participate in learning, while the fit4kid model achieves the simultaneous activation of the mind and body, resulting in more effective learning. The pupils first revised their knowledge of fairy tales, learned the three main components of a fairy tale, and then, as evidence of acquiring new knowledge, created new fairy tales.