Povezanost med zadovoljstvom učiteljev s svojim poklicem ter dejavniki sodelovalne šolske kulture: kaj nam kažejo podatki raziskave TALIS 2018

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Zadovoljstvo učiteljev s svojim poklicem se pozitivno povezuje z več pomembnimi elementi šolskega okolja, med katerimi je tudi sodelovalna kultura šole. V prispevku na podlagi slovenskih podatkov za osnovne in srednje šole, zbranih med učitelji in ravnatelji, ki so sodelovali v mednarodni raziskavi TALIS 2018, ugotavljamo povezanost med zadovoljstvom učiteljev s svojim poklicem ter dejavniki sodelovalne kulture v šolah (sodelovanje med učitelji; ocena naklonjenosti okolja sodelovanju; sodelovanje med ravnateljem in učitelji). Podatke smo analizirali s pomočjo regresijske analize, ugotovili pa smo, da sta le ocena naklonjenosti okolja sodelovanju ter sodelovanje med učitelji statistično značilna napovednika zadovoljstva učiteljev s svojim poklicem na obeh ravneh izobraževanja. Rezultati torej poudarjajo pomen mreženja ter ustvarjanja učečih se skupnosti, kjer lahko učitelji med sabo sodelujejo in se povezujejo.


The connection between teachers’ satisfaction with their profession and the factors of a collaborative school culture: what the TALIS 2018 survey data show us

Teachers’ satisfaction with their profession is positively associated with several vital elements of the school environment: the school’s collaborative culture being one of them. Based on Slovene data for primary and secondary schools collected from teachers and principals who participated in the TALIS 2018 international survey, this paper outlines the connection between teachers’ satisfaction with their profession and the factors of a collaborative culture in schools (cooperation between teachers; assessment of the environment’s favourability to partnership; collaboration between the principal and teachers). We analyzed the data using regression analysis and found that only the evaluation of the environment’s favourability to cooperation and collaboration between teachers are statistically significant predictors of teachers’ satisfaction with their profession at both levels of education. The results, therefore, emphasize the importance of networking and creating learning communities where teachers can cooperate and connect.