Pouk glasbe na daljavo

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Leto 2020 je bilo v znamenju zaprtja šol zaradi epidemije covida-19. Pouk se je prenesel na splet, z računalniki, pametnimi telefoni in tablicami kot osnovnimi didaktičnimi pripomočki. Učitelji glasbe so se povezovalno spoprijeli z zahtevno nalogo, ki jih je doletela čez noč. V prispevku so zbrane ugotovitve pouka glasbe na daljavo iz zadnjega leta izvajanja tega v osnovnih, srednjih in glasbenih šolah. V sklepnem delu pa so izpostavljene prednost, nevarnost in priložnost pouka na daljavo na splošno.


Distance Learning Music

The year 2020 was characterized by the closing of schools due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Lessons were moved to the web with computers, smartphones and tablet computers as the basic didactic aids. Music teachers collaborated and tackled the demanding task they were entrusted with overnight. The article has gathered the findings regarding distance music lessons that were carried out in the previous year in primary, secondary and music schools. The conclusion highlights the advantages, dangers and opportunities of distance lessons in general.