V prispevku predstavljamo del rezultatov evalvacije primarnopreventivnega programa NEON – Varni brez nasilja, katerega namen je krepiti varovalne dejavnike otrok, mladostnikov in mladostnic, njihovih staršev ter zaposlenih v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih za zaščito otrok in mladostnikov pred različnimi oblikami nasilja – medvrstniškega, spolnega in spletnega. V vzorec so bile vključene štiri osnovne šole – dve v eksperimentalno skupino in dve v kontrolno skupino. Sodelovali so učenci 2., 3., 5. in 8. razredov, v katerih smo pred izvedbo dveh delavnic in po njej aplicirali vprašalnike o znanju ter strategijah v situacijah različnih oblik nasilja. Rezultati so pokazali, da nekatere teme učenci tako iz eksperimentalnih kot iz kontrolnih skupin precej dobro poznajo, pri drugih pa smo z izvedbo delavnic prispevali k pomembnemu napredku v njihovem znanju na tem področju. Pomembna ugotovitev je, da lahko že z dvema delavnicama za učence dosežemo spremembe v znanju o določenih temah, pri čemer ostaja cilj, da preventivni program NEON izvajamo sistematično in kontinuirano pri vseh udeležencih vzgojno- izobraževalnega procesa.
Report on the Evaluation of the Programme “NEON – Varni brez nasilja” (NEON – Safe without Violence) for Primary Schools
The article presents a portion of the results from the evaluation of the primary prevention programme called “NEON – Varni brez nasilja” (NEON – Safe without Violence), whose purpose is to reinforce the protective factors of children, adolescents, their parents and employees in educational institutions to protect children and adolescents against different forms of violence – peer, sexual and online violence. The sample consisted of four primary schools – two in the experimental group and two in the control group. The participants included second-, third-, fifth- and eighth-grade students, who were given questionnaires before and after two workshops on the knowledge and strategies applied in situations where different forms of violence occur. The results have shown that students from both experimental and control groups are well familiar with certain topics but less so with others, and the implementation of the workshops significantly contributed to gaining more knowledge in these areas. It was important to see that by organising only two workshops, students can improve their knowledge on certain themes, and our goal remains to execute the prevention programme NEON systematically and continuously with all participants in the education process.