Če želimo ustaviti globalno segrevanje pod 2 °C, potem lahko izpustimo še 565 giga ton CO2, kar bomo s sedanjim življenjskim slogom storili v naslednjih 15 letih (Kuh, 2018). V prispevku so predstavljeni nekateri politični ukrepi, ki jih sprejemajo EU in države članice na nacionalni, regionalni in globalni ravni za reševanje podnebne krize. Tako so obravnavani Kjotski protokol in Pariški sporazum ter podnebne strategije in podnebni zakoni izbranih evropskih držav, vključno s Slovenijo. Avtorji ugotavljajo, da se kljub političnim ukrepom podnebna kriza krepi, zato so potrebni tudi drugi ukrepi v smeri okoljsko in družbeno odgovornega življenjskega sloga.
Political Measures of the European Union for Resolving the Climate Crisis
If we want to keep global warming below 2 °C, then we can only release 565 more gigatons of CO2; judging from our current lifestyle, we will achieve that in the next 15 years (Kuh, 2018). The paper presents some of the political measures adopted by the EU and Member States at the national, regional and global level to resolve the climate crisis. Hence, it discusses the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, as well as the climate strategies and climate acts of selected European countries, including Slovenia. The authors have ascertained that despite these political measures the climate crisis is escalating, which is why measures towards an environmentally and socially responsible lifestyle are also necessary.