V prispevku je predstavljen način obravnavanja pesniške zbirke v šoli. Uvodoma sta razloženi metodi, ki sta bili uporabljeni pri obravnavi ter pomen poezije za učence. Nato je podan primer dobre prakse obravnave domačega branja, ki se začne z iskanjem gradiva v knjižnici in nadaljuje z obravnavo v razredu. Osrednja tema je seznanitev s pesniško zbirko Bine Štampe Žmavc Živa hiša, s katero je učiteljici uspelo popestriti pouk književnosti in v učencih vzbuditi željo po samostojni interpretaciji izbranih pesmi.
A Poetry Collection as Serial Reading
The article presents a discussion of a poetry collection in school. The introduction explains the two methods that were used in the discussion, and the importance of poetry for pupils. Afterwards, it gives an example of good practice in discussing the required reading, which begins by finding the material in the library and continues with a classroom discussion. The main topic of the article is getting to know the poetry collection by Bina Štampe Žmavc Živa hiša, which the teacher used to break the monotony of literature lessons, making the pupils want to interpret select poems on their own.