Odnos do učenja (naravoslovja)

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Izhodišče prispevka predstavljajo rezultati primerjalnih raziskav PISA, TIMSS in TIMSS ADVANCED 2015, v katerih je bil poudarek na merjenju znanja in odnosa do naravoslovja. Slovenski učenci in dijaki so dosegli nadpovprečne rezultate v znanju, pri merjenju odnosno-motivacijskih vidikov pa so rezultati bistveno slabši. V prispevku opišemo način, na katerega motivacijska struktura vpliva na učne dosežke. Posebej izpostavljamo vpliv pozitivnih in negativnih čustev na učenje ter iz navedenih znanstvenih spoznanj izpeljemo odgovor na vprašanje: Ali so nizki rezultati na področju odnosa do naravoslovja sploh problem s katerim bi se bilo potrebno ukvarjati, glede na to da naši učenci v znanju dosegajo nadpovprečne rezultate?


Attitude towards Learning (Natural Sciences)

The starting point of this paper is the results of the comparative surveys PISA, TIMSS and TIMSS ADVANCED 2015, which focused on measuring knowledge and the attitude towards natural sciences. Slovenian primary and secondary school students achieved above-average results as regards knowledge, but their results were substantially worse in the measurement of attitude and motivation. This paper describes the way motivational structure influences attainment. It highlights above all the impact of positive and negative emotions on learning, and derives an answer to the following question from the aforementioned scientific findings: Are the poor results pertaining to the attitude towards natural sciences even a problem worth tackling, considering that our students are achieving above-average results with regard to knowledge?