Od ideje do uprizoritve: gledališka vzgoja v razširjenem programu osnovne šole

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Gledališka umetnost je po Lukanu tista izmed umetnosti, ki je interdisciplinarne narave, kar pomeni, da združuje več umetnostnih oblik (Lukan, 2008). Zato se zdi uvajanje gledališke vzgoje v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju (v nadaljevanju VIO) pedagoška praksa, ki učencem lahko prinese celostno estetsko izkušnjo. V tem članku so predstavljene perspektive gledališke vzgoje od ideje do uprizoritve. Avtorica odpre temo gledališke vzgoje v osnovni šoli današnjega časa, se dotakne interdisciplinarnih povezav znotraj gledališke umetnosti, pretresa dileme prostega časa razširjenega programa in pokaže, kako vanj učinkovito vključiti projekt gledališke igre. V nadaljevanju se loteva predstavitve posameznih ustvarjalnih faz od spoznavanja knjižne predloge, scenografije, kostumografije, plesne koreografije, glasbe, vaj z igralci vse do končne uprizoritve. Razmišljanja o gledališki vzgoji pojasnjuje s konkretnimi primeri iz pedagoške prakse. Kot primer navaja petmesečni proces ustvarjanja gledališke igre Moj dežnik je lahko balon, ki je nastala po knjižni predlogi Ele Peroci s skupino drugošolcev v podaljšanem bivanju Osnovne šole Brezovica pri Ljubljani.


From Idea to Performance: Theatrical Education within Extended Primary School Program

According to Lukan, theatre art is interdisciplinary, meaning it comprises several artistic forms (Lukan, 2008). That is why the introduction of theatrical education in the first three grades of primary school seems to give students a wholesome esthetical experience. The article presents all the perspectives of theatrical education from the idea to the actual staging. The author opens the topic of theatrical education in today’s primary school, touches the interdisciplinary connections within the theatre art, discusses the dilemmas of free time within the extended program, and shows how to effectively incorporate a theatre play project in it. Afterwards, the author presents individual phases of creation, from getting to know the book, to designing the stage, costumes, dance choreography, preparing the music, and carrying out actor rehearsals up until the actual staging. She contemplates theatrical education and explains it based on actual examples taken from pedagogical practice. She describes the example of a five-month process of creating a theatre play called My umbrella can turn into a balloon, based on the book by Ela Peroci, and staged by secondgraders attending the extended program at the Brezovica pri Ljubljani primary school.