Ocenjevanje znanja učencev s posebnimi potrebami pri predmetu šport

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Učenci s posebnimi potrebami se izobražujejo v različnih izobraževalnih programih, pri tem pa jim skladno z individualiziranim programom prilagajamo tudi ocenjevanje pri predmetu šport. Učitelji morajo pri tem upoštevati primanjkljaje in močna področja ter pri učencu razvijati interes za kasnejše vseživljenjsko ukvarjanje s športom. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako učitelji, ki poučujejo učence s posebnimi potrebami v prvem in drugem triletju, ocenjujejo svojo kompetentnost na področju ocenjevanja športa učencev s posebnimi potrebami, kateri so njihovi glavni cilji ocenjevanja, kako oblikujejo oceno ter kako sestavljajo kriterije ocenjevanja. V vzorec smo vključili 86 učiteljev razrednega pouka in športnih pedagogov, ki so v šolskem letu 2014/15 poučevali predmet šport od 1. do 5. razreda, pri tem pa so poučevali tudi učenca s posebnimi potrebami. Podatke smo obdelali z osnovno deskriptivno statistiko spremenljivk. Izsledki so pokazali, da 60 odstotkov učiteljev meni, da so kompetentni za ocenjevanje, vendar bi potrebovali dodatna znanja. Glavna cilja ocenjevanja znanja učencev s posebnimi potrebami sta motiviranje in spodbujanje učencev za nadaljnje šolsko delo ter posredovanje informacije o razvoju in napredku, pri ocenjevanju pa dajejo učitelji največ pozornosti napredku učenca. Učitelji pri ocenjevanju prilagajajo čas ocenjevanja in raven znanja. Vsak drugi učitelj pri ocenjevanju uporablja prilagojene pripomočke.


Knowledge Assessment for Pupils with Special Needs in Physical Education Lessons

Pupils with special needs (PSN) receive education under various educational programmes; in accordance with the individualised programme, they are also assessed differently in physical education lessons. Teachers must take into account their deficiencies and their strong points, and develop in the pupil an interest for subsequent lifelong involvement in sport. The aim of the research was to determine how the teachers who are teaching pupils with special needs in the first and second triennia evaluate their own competences in assessing the sports performance of pupils with special needs; what their main assessment objectives are; how they form the mark; and how they prepare the assessment criteria. The sample encompassed 86 classroom teachers and physical education teachers who taught physical education lessons from the 1st to the 5th grade in the 2014/15 school year, also teaching a pupil with special needs. The data was processed with basic descriptive statistics for variables. Findings show that 60% of the teachers believe they are qualified to assess such pupils, but that they would require additional knowledge. The main objectives of assessing the knowledge of pupils with special needs are motivating and encouraging the pupils for further school work, and providing information on development and progress; during assessment, the teachers pay most attention to the pupil’s progress. During assessment, the teachers adjust the time of assessment and the level of knowledge. Every other teacher uses adapted aids for assessment.