Ob čudežnem drevesu v knjižnici rastemo, se družimo in drug drugega bogatimo

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Kako neopazno vnesti elemente formativnega spremljanja v uro KIZ, je bil izziv ure, ki sem jo izvedla v povezavi s slovenščino, ki jo prav tako poučujem. Ura je bila izpeljana v knjižnici ob čudežnem drevesu, ki je nastalo kot likovno delo enega izmed naših učencev. Glavni cilj je bil motivacija za branje poezije. Pomembno je bilo uro premišljeno zasnovati tako, da sem v učencih prebudila ustvarjalnost, vedoželjnost, ob tem pa so imeli občutek, da lahko sami vplivajo na to, kako bodo usvajali nove vsebine. Seveda je bilo treba jasno zastaviti cilje in korake, ki so učence vodili do cilja. Hkrati so imeli ves čas nadzor nad svojim delom. Ob koncu so ovrednotili delo z žrebom izbrane skupine in ob tem izpostavili dobre plati dela (dve zvezdici) ter podali predlog za izboljšavo (ena želja). Tudi sama sem jim dala povratno informacijo o njihovem delu, kar sem izrazila z zadovoljnim smeškom in ga kot novovzbrsteli list prilepila na čudežno drevo. Prav tako so učenci izbrali ustrezen znak smeška, s katerim so podali svoje občutke po izpeljani uri. Ob tem je vzbrstelo čudežno drevo v knjižnici.


We Are Growing, Socialising and Enriching One Another in the Library, Next to a Tree of Wonders

How to introduce elements of formative assessment into a library and information science lesson imperceptibly? – this was the challenge I had set for a lesson I carried out in connection with the subject of Slovenian Language, which I also teach. The lesson was carried out in the library next to a tree of wonders, which was the work of art of one of our students. The main objective was to motivate students to read poetry. The lesson had to be designed thoughtfully so that it would awaken creativity and a thirst for knowledge in the students, while giving them the feeling that they could influence how they would be learning these new contents. Of course the objectives and the steps that would lead the students to those objectives had to be defined clearly. The students had control over their work the entire time. In the end, they assessed their work by choosing a group by lot, pointing out the good aspects of the work (two stars), and giving suggestions for improvement (one wish). They also received feedback about their work from me, which I expressed with a satisfied smiley that I glued to the tree of wonders as a newly-sprouting leaf. The students also chose an appropriate smiley to express their feelings after the lesson was concluded. By doing so, a tree of wonders sprouted in the library.