Nekatere naravnogeografske posebnosti Lošča na Kozjanskem

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V članku so predstavljene nekatere značilnosti litotamnijskega apnenca in konglomerata na Kozjanskem. Posebej so izpostavljene naravnogeografske značilnosti hriba Lošč (628 m) in dveh njegovih spodmolov. Avtor je opisal povezavo med geološko zgradbo, prstmi in rastjem ter sedanjimi geomorfološkimi procesi. Ugotovil je močno preperevanje, ki je prisotno v vseh tipih tamkajšnjih kamnin, t. j. različnih miocenskih apnencih in konglomeratih.


Some Natural Geographic Features of the Lošč Hill

This article presents certain characteristics of the lithotamnian limestone and conglomerate. The natural
geographic features of the Lošč hill (628m) and two of its rock shelters are especially pointed out. The author describes the correlation between geology, soils and vegetation on the one hand, and some recent geomorphological processes on the other hand. He found intense weathering effects in all rock types of the area, especially in various Miocene limestones and conglomerates.