Dijake različnih programov Biotehniške šole smo želeli opozoriti na pomen stročnic tako na vrtu kot v prehrani. Vključili smo jih v projektno obliko dela in skozi medpredmetno povezovanje združili programa Vrtnar, Slaščičar ter knjižnično informacijsko znanje. Dijaki so v knjižnici spoznavali različne vire in načine iskanja informacij. Podatke o stročnicah in kuharske recepte so iskali v knjigah, revijah in na internetu. Pri praktičnem delu so dijaki programa Vrtnar na šolskem posestvu posejali semena stročnic in spremljali njihovo rast do pobiranja pridelka. Dijaki programa Slaščičar so pridelke uporabili v kulinariki in spekli slana in sladka peciva. Na koncu so napravili plakate in pripravili razstavo. Temeljni namen projekta je bil, da dijaki na drugačen način, s svojim delom in z izkustvenim učenjem pridobijo nova znanja in se s takim delom največ naučijo.
Cross-Curricular Project Work – Importance of Legumes in the Garden and in Diet
We wished to inform students of different programmes of the School of Biotechnology of the importance of legumes in the garden and in diet. We involved them in project work and through cross-curricular integration combined the Gardener and Confectioner programmes, and Library and Information Knowledge. In the library, the students learnt about different sources of information and methods of searching for information. They searched for information about legumes and recipes in books, magazines and the Internet. During practical work, students of the Gardener programme planted legume seeds on the school estate and monitored their growth until the harvesting of crops. Students of the Confectioner programme then used these crops in their cuisine, baking savoury and sweet pastries. In the end, they made posters and prepared an exhibition. The basic purpose of the project was for students to acquire new knowledge in a different way, through their own activity and through experiential learning, thus learning the most.