Pred kratkim je dr. Miha Kos v intervjuju, objavljenem na rtvslo.si, dejal, da bi profesorji morali biti navduševalci. Profesorji matematike imamo za prikaz čarobnosti matematike veliko možnosti, saj se matematika skriva povsod okoli nas. In s čarobnostjo zagotovo lahko navdušimo. V tem članku bomo odkrili nekaj povezav z glasbo. Matematika in glasba imata veliko skupnega – za obe uporabljamo enak zapis po celem svetu (sta mednarodna jezika) in pri obeh je potrebno veliko redne vaje, če želimo biti dobri. Toda zakaj bi matematiko potrebovali (bodoči) glasbeniki? Kako prepričati dijake, da matematiko potrebujejo za glasbo? Lepote matematike jim lahko približamo z glasbo v poglavjih Realna števila, Statistika, Verjetnost, Toge preslikave, Podobnost in Kotne funkcije. Če smo seznanjeni z osnovami teorije glasbe, pri tem ne bi smeli imeti težav, saj je glasba matematika s čustvi.
Mathematics at Conservatoire of Music
Recently, dr. Miha Kos said in an interview published on www.rtvslo.si that professors should be exciters. We, Mathematics professors, have many opportunities for showing the magic of mathematics, because mathematics is hidden all around us. And with magic we are bound to excite.This article reveals a few of its connections to music. Mathematics and music have much in common – the same notation is used for both throughout the world (they are international languages), and both require a great deal of regular practice if one wishes to be good at them. But why would (prospective) musicians need mathematics? How to convince secondary school students that they need mathematics for their music? We can connect the beauties of mathematics to music in the chapters Real Numbers, Statistics, Probability, Isometry, Similarity, and Trigonometric Functions. If we are familiar with the basics of music theory, this should not be a problem, because music is mathematics with emotions.