Učeča se skupnost ne nastane čez noč. O tem ni nobenega dvoma. Gre za proces, ki zahteva svoj čas in določene pogoje. Lahko bi rekli, da je cilj učeče se skupnosti pot in pot je cilj. V nekaterih skupinah/kolektivih je ta čas daljši, v drugih krajši. Od česa in koga je ta čas odvisen? Kako se gradi pot k cilju učeče se skupnosti? Kdo pri tem sodeluje? Kakšna je vloga pedagoškega vodje – ravnatelja pri tem? V članku iščemo odgovore na ta in druga vprašanja v povezavi z oblikovanjem učeče se skupnosti v treh različnih kolektivih glede na sodelovanje v dveh mednarodnih projektih, v katerih je sodeloval Zavod RS za šolstvo (Linpilcare, Prolea).
Steps toward the Goal: Learning Community
A learning community is not created overnight. There is no doubt about that. It is a process that requires time and specific conditions. It could be said that the goal of a learning community is a path and that this path is the goal. In some groups/collectives it takes more time, in others less. On what and whom does this time depend? How do you build a path toward the goal of a learning community? Who takes part in it? What is the role of the pedagogical leader – head teacher in this process? This article looks for answers to these questions and others in connection with the shaping of a learning community in three different collectives, in light of the collaboration on two international projects in which the National Education Institute Slovenia participated (Linpilcare, Prolea).