Ocenjevanje pol na pisnem izpitu iz matematike na poklicni maturi poteka tako, da učitelji na srednjih šolah ovrednotijo izpitne pole po Navodilih za ocenjevanje, ki jih pripravi Državna predmetna komisija za poklicno maturo za matematiko (DPK PM MAT). Za spremljanje kakovosti ocenjevanja pisnega izpita je bilo v letih 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 in 2019 na spomladanskem roku na vzorcu izpitnih pol izvedeno kontrolno ocenjevanje. V članku je predstavljena metodologija kontrolnega ocenjevanja, izbira vzorca, rezultati primerjalne analize točk pri ocenjevanju na šoli in kontrolnem ocenjevanju ter primer naloge, kjer dodeljene točke pri ocenjevanju na šoli in točke pri kontrolnem ocenjevanju ne sovpadajo. Nakazani so morebitni vzroki za razlike pri ocenjevanju na šoli in kontrolnem ocenjevanju ter nadaljnja usmeritev spremljanja kakovosti ocenjevanja izpitnih pol na poklici maturi iz matematike.
Assessment on the Written Examination in Mathematics at the Vocational Matura
The assessment on the written examination in mathematics at the vocational matura is carried out in such a way that secondary school teachers evaluate the written exam papers according to the Assessment Instructions prepared by the National Mathematics Commission for the Vocational Matura (DPK PM MAT). In order to monitor the quality of assessment on the written examination, a control assessment was performed on a sample of examination papers in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019. The article presents the methodology of double assessment, the sample selection, the results of a comparative analysis of scores from the school assessment and the control assessment, and an example of a task where the scores assigned in the school assessment did not coincide with the scores assigned in the control assessment. Possible reasons for the diff erences in the school assessment and the control assessment are indicated, as well as the future direction of monitoring the quality of the assessment of exam papers in mathematics at the vocational matura.