V prispevku se osredotočimo na naloge utemeljevanja, ki so bile preverjane na Nacionalnem preverjanju znanja matematike v letih od 2006 do 2019. Naloge analiziramo z različnih vidikov, kot so besedilo naloge, način zapisa utemeljitve, taksonomija, območje, v katerega se je naloga uvrstila, ter vsebine matematike, v katere so naloge umeščene. Primerjamo dve nalogi, ki sta bili preverjani tako v 6. kot v 9. razredu v letih 2015 in 2016. Naloge smo analizirali tudi z vidika namena utemeljitve. Ugotavljamo, kateri od prej naštetih vidikov vplivajo na uspešnost reševanja tovrstnih nalog. Zaključujemo, da bomo z izbiro ustreznih didaktičnih pristopov in strategij za razvijanje utemeljevanja prispevali k boljšim dosežkom učencev.
Justification Tasks in the National Assessment of Mathematical Knowledge: An Analysis of Selected Aspects and Students’ Achievements
The article focuses on mathematical justification tasks from the National Assessment of Mathematical Knowledge in years 2006-2019. The tasks are analysed from different perspectives, such as the text in the task, way of writing the justification, Gagne’s Taxonomy, and level and mathematical content of the task. Two tasks are compared that were assessed both in the sixth and ninth grade in years 2015 and 2016. The tasks were also analysed in terms of the purpose of the justification. The aim is to find which of the previously mentioned aspects influence the successful solving of this type of tasks. The conclusion is that the selection of the appropriate didactic approaches and strategies for developing the proficiency of justification contributes to better learning outcomes of students.