Učitelji pri svojem delu doživljajo različna čustva, med njimi tudi jezo in strah, ki smo jima v prispevku namenili posebno pozornost. Čustva smo najprej opredelili in predstavili značilnosti jeze in strahu pri učiteljih, nato pa povzeli temeljne ugotovitve tujih in dveh slovenskih raziskav o omenjenih dveh čustvih pri delu učiteljev. Iz rezultatov slovenskih raziskav je predvsem razvidno, da jeza in strah pri učiteljih pogosto izhajata iz vedenja učencev, stikov s starši ter odnosov s sodelavci in vodstvom šole. V zaključnem delu smo izpeljali smernice za učiteljevo učinkovitejše spoprijemanje s čustvi.
Teachers’ Anger and Fear when Teaching
Teachers experience various emotions at their work, anger and fear being among them. These two emotions are also in the focus of our article. Firstly, we defined anger and fear and their characteristics in teachers and then we summarised the results of foreign and two Slovenian studies on anger and fear at teachers’ work. Studies including Slovenian teachers show, among other things, that their anger and fear arise mostly from students’ behaviour, contacts with students’ parents, relations with colleagues and principals. In conclusion, some ideas for teachers efficient emotion regulation are outlined.