Je knjiga še vedno naša prijateljica?

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Veliko mladih na srednjih strokovnih šolah misli, da je knjiga njihova sovražnica. Ko učitelj napove literarno delo, ki ga je treba prebrati za domače branje, verjamejo, da tega ne bodo naredili. Učitelj je tisti, ki jih mora spodbuditi, da bodo vsaj nekoliko vzljubili branje in si tako dokazali, da zmorejo s svojim razmišljanjem nadgraditi svoje šolsko delo. S pomočjo projekta Rastem s knjigo, ki je odlično izhodišče za branje v osnovnih in srednjih šolah, bo to tudi dosegel.


Is the Book still our Friend?

Many students at secondary technical schools believe that books are their enemies. When a teacher announces that they will have to read a literary work as part of their required reading, they are sure they will not read it. The teacher is the one who has to encourage them to grow at least a little fonder of reading, thus proving to themselves that their thinking skills can take their school work to a higher level. With the help of the Rastem s knjigo/Growing Up with a Book project, which is an excellent starting point for reading in primary and secondary schools, the students will be able to achieve just that.