Mladostniki pri sporazumevanju uporabljajo tudi frazeme. Po učnem načrtu jih v osnovni šoli obravnavamo v zadnjem triletju. V učbeniškem gradivu za slovenščino je frazeologija zastopana, vendar mladostniki pri komunikaciji ne uporabljajo (le) teh frazemov. V slovenskem prostoru ni učbeniškega gradiva, ki bi bil v celoti namenjen obravnavi frazeologije v osnovni šoli. Za delo pri pouku slovenščine je namenjen frazeološki del priročnika Pouk slovenščine malo drugače z naslovom Frazeologija kot izražanje v »podobah«. Učenje frazemov nudi številna medpredmetna povezovanja, npr. s tujimi jeziki, biologijo, matematiko. V prispevku smo predstavili teoretična izhodišča in primere nalog za frazeme, ki vsebujejo sestavino, ki poimenuje barvo. Za popestritev smo dodali še primere iz časopisov, mladostniških knjig in šal.
“As Clear As Day” – Examples of Idioms in Primary School Slovenian Language Class
Young people also use idioms in their communication. These are taught, according to primary school curriculum, in the last triad. While the Slovenian language textbook material does include idioms, young students use a broader range of idioms in their communication. As of now, the Slovenian space does not have a primary school textbook that would be fully dedicated to idioms. To address this topic in the Slovenian language class, there is a chapter in the book “Pouk slovenščine malo drugače” (Approaching the Slovenian Language Class a Little Differently) that is dedicated to idioms, called “Idioms as Expressions Through Images”. Learning idioms offers many crosscurricular connections, for example with foreign languages, biology and mathematics. The article presents theoretical premises and examples of tasks for idioms that include materials indicating colours. For better illustration, examples from newspapers, youth books and jokes are also added.