Izzivi za sistemsko ureditev zgodnje obravnave otrok v Republiki Sloveniji

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Zgodnja obravnava je področje, ki je povezano s pravico majhnih otrok in njihovih družin do pomoči, ki jo potrebujejo. Cilj zgodnje obravnave je dati podporo družini in otroku ter povezati in usposobiti različne službe, ki obravnavajo otroka. Je ključna pri razvoju inkluzivne in kohezivne družbe, ki se zaveda potreb otrok in njihovih družin.


Challenges for Systemic Regulation of Early Intervention for Children in the Republic of Slovenia

Early intervention concerns the right of small children and their families to receive the help they need. The aim of early intervention is to provide a support to the family and the child, and to integrate and qualify the different services that are treating the child. It is a key element in the development of an inclusive and cohesive society, which is aware of the needs of children and their families.