Izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj in prihodnost Evrope – kaj menijo osmošolci v Sloveniji (IEA ICCS 2016)

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Koncept in definicije trajnostnega razvoja so se čez čas spreminjale, vseskozi pa ostaja pomembna tema. Ena pomembnejših prelomnic za trajnostni razvoj je »Pobuda za trajnostni razvoj 2030« (2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development), s katero so ZN leta 2015 določili 17 ciljev za trajnostni razvoj (Sustainable development goals, 2016). V okviru te pobude se je razvil tudi koncept izobraževanja za trajnostni razvoj, ki je usmerjen v to, da mora biti trajnostni razvoj integriran v izobraževanje in tudi obratno. Članek na podlagi Evropskega modula mednarodne raziskave ICCS 2016, oriše pogled osmošolcev glede prihodnosti Evrope. Namen raziskave je bil predstaviti rezultate vprašanja »Kako bo verjetno videti Evropa čez 10 let?«, ter to vprašanje navezati na koncept izobraževanja za trajnostni razvoj. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo osmošolci v Sloveniji bolj negativen pogled na prihodnost Evrope, v primerjavi z mednarodnim oziroma evropskim povprečjem. Večji delež osmošolcev v Sloveniji je bilo mnenja, da se čez deset let razmere v državi ne bodo izboljšale in izražajo skrb glede razmer z onesnaženostjo vode in zraka, terorističnimi grožnjami, mirom, revščino in nezaposlenostjo ter vplivom neevropskih sil na Evropo. Največjo skrb so nakazali glede brezposelnosti in revščine v Evropi. Več upanja in pozitivno usmerjen pogled pa so učenci imeli na sodelovanje evropskih držav in o krepitvi demokratične ureditve po Evropi. Največ optimizma glede prihodnosti Evrope je moč opaziti med učenci iz Danske, Finske, Italije, Nizozemske, Malte in Švedske. Potrebno se je zavedati vpliva aktivnega državljanstva in participacije v družbi. Vzgoja in izobraževanje mora za pozitiven trajnostni razvoj osmisliti mlade in jih spodbuditi za spremembe v življenjskem slogu, ki bodo vplivale na dober trajnostni razvoj države.


Education for Sustainable Development and the Future of Europe – Opinions of Eight Graders in Slovenia (IEA ICCS 2016)

The concept and defi nitions of sustainable development have changed over time, but it has never stopped being an important topic. One of the major turning points in sustainable development is the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” with which the UN laid down 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 (Sustainable Development Goals, 2016). The concept of education for sustainable development has been developed within this agenda, and aims at integrating sustainable development into education and vice versa. Based on the European module of the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2016, the article outlines the opinions of eight graders about the future of Europe. The purpose of the study was to present the answers to the question “What will Europe probably look like in 10 years’ time?” and to link this question to the concept of education for sustainable development. The results have shown that eight graders in Slovenia view the future of Europe more negatively compared to the international or European average. A higher proportion of eight graders in Slovenia were of the opinion that in ten years’ time the situation in the country will not be any better, and expressed concern over water and air pollution, terrorist threats, peace, poverty and unemployment, and over the influence of non-European powers on Europe. Their biggest concern was unemployment and poverty in Europe. The pupils were more hopeful and positive regarding the cooperation between European countries and the strengthening of democratic regimes throughout Europe. The pupils who were most optimistic about the future of Europe came from Denmark, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Malta and Sweden. We should be aware of the impact of active citizenship and participation in society. For positive sustainable development, upbringing and education must give meaning to young people and encourage them to make lifestyle changes, which would result in good sustainable development practices in the country.