Izobraževanje nadarjenih: analiza nacionalnega konteksta za popotnico v naslednje desetletje

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V prispevku je na temelju dostopnih dokumentov in domačih empiričnih izsledkov podana analiza stanja na področju izobraževanja nadarjenih v slovenskem strokovnem prostoru. Predstavljen je pregled uresničevanja predlaganih rešitev iz Bele knjige o izobraževanju v RS 2011 o izobraževanju nadarjenih. Izpostavljene so zaznane pomanjkljivosti obravnave nadarjenih otrok in mladostnikov v praksi ter možnosti in strokovni izzivi, ki bi v prihodnje lahko korakoma prispevali k višji kakovosti izobraževanja nadarjenih.


Gifted and Talented Education: Analysis of the National Context as a Guide for the Next Decade

The article introduces the analysis of the situation in the field of the gifted and talented education in the Slovenian professional environment based on the available documentation and Slovenian empirical findings. It includes an overview of the realisation of the proposed solutions from the White Paper on Education in the Republic of Slovenia 2011 on the gifted and talented education. The emphasis is on the gaps in the treatment of the gifted and talented children and adolescents noticed in practice as well as on the possibilities and professional challenges that might contribute to gradually raising the quality of the gifted and talented education in the future.