Intervju pri pouku zgodovine na srednji tehniški šoli

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V članku se ukvarjam z metodo zgodovinskega intervjuja in njegovo uporabo na srednji strokovni šoli. Zgodovinski intervju pri pouku izvedem s tako rekoč vsako generacijo dijakov in vedno znova ugotavljam, da gre za odlično učno metodo, ki dijake obogati na različnih področjih. Intervju dijakom omogoča izkušnjo dela z zgodovinskimi viri, pridobljeno znanje pri pouku pa tako konkretizirajo in nadgradijo. Pri dijakih tudi vzbuja empatijo in spoštovanje do udeležencev različnih zgodovinskih dogodkov. Pomembno je tudi, da se učijo sklepati o vplivu širšega zgodovinskega dogajanja na posameznika in o možnostih ravnanja, ki jih ima posameznik v določenih zgodovinskih okoliščinah.


Interview in Secondary Technical School History Class

The article focuses on the method of a historical interview and its application in a secondary vocational school. The author assigns the task of conducting a historical interview to practically every generation of students and each time comes to the conclusion that it is in fact an excellent learning method which enriches students in various ways. By conducting an interview, students experience working with historical sources, and later on get to apply and upgrade the newly-gained knowledge in class. They feel empathy and respect towards the participants of different historical events. It is also important that they learn how to make their own conclusions about the consequences of wide-spread historical events on individuals, and about which actions those individuals could have possibly taken in specific historical situations.