Inovativna učna okolja: priložnost in možnost za zaposlovanje (tudi) oseb s posebnimi potrebami

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V prispevku predstavljamo uporabo inovativnih učnih okolij, ki povezujejo učence s posebnimi potrebami (UPP), šolo in obrtnike. Cirius Vipava razvija model učnih okolij, ki vključujejo značilnosti Vipavske doline. Učenci so vodeno vstopali v učni in delovni proces pri obrtnikih s področja vinarstva, kletarstva, sadjarstva, vinogradništva, trsničarstva, gostinstva. V raziskavi smo analizirali petinpetdeset vprašalnikov, na katere so odgovarjali učenci, mentorji in obrtniki. Rezultati testa hi-kvadrat in Spearmanovega korelacijskega koeficienta so pokazali, da so učenci, mentorji in obrtniki zadovoljni s potekom dela v novih učnih okoljih. Obrtniki so pripravljeni sodelovati tudi v prihodnje, ne glede na prilagoditev
delovnega procesa. Učenci s posebnimi potrebami si želijo še več vključevanja v zunanje dejavnosti, v katerih so se uspešno preizkusili. Inovativna učna okolja so pokazala, da je vodeno zaposlovanje UPP mogoče in uspešno, saj se lahko učenci vključujejo v lokalno skupnost in povezujejo z njo in z obrtniki, širijo svojo socialno-povezovalno mrežo z okoljem, v katerem se šolajo in živijo. Učencem so nova učna okolja prinesla več praktičnih znanj in pozitivnih, tudi zaposlitvenih izkušenj.


Innovative Learning Environments: Opportunity and Chance (Also) for Employment of Individuals with Special Needs
This article presents the use of innovative learning environments for bringing together special needs students (SNS), school, crafts- and tradespeople. Cirius Vipava has been developing a model of learning environments representing the essence of the Vipava Valley. The students have been guided to engage in learning and work processes with craftspeople within the fields of wine production, cellaring, fruit farming, viticulture, grapevine nurseries, and hospitality industry. Our study has analysed fifty-five questionnaires responded to by the pupils, their mentors, and craftspeople. The results of the chi-square test and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient have shown that these students, their mentors, and craftspeople are happy with their work progress and new learning environments. The craftspeople have expressed their readiness for future collaboration regardless of any adaptations to the working process. Meanwhile, the special needs students hope for an increased participation in the external activities in which they have tried their hand at successfully. Innovative learning environments have shown that such guided employment of SNS is feasible and can be successful, as the students can get involved with the local community, form connections with both, the community as well as craftspeople, and broaden their interactive social network within the environment in which they go to school and live in. Through these new learning environments, the students were able to gain more practical knowledge and skills as well as positive, even employmentrelated experience