Pomembna pedagoška naloga šolskega knjižničarja je prispevati k zviševanju informacijske pismenosti, kar dosega v sodelovanju z drugimi strokovnimi delavci na šoli. Novosti v pedagoškem procesu vedno znova terjajo premisleke o konceptu informacijske pismenosti, predvsem o implementaciji le-te v šolsko delo. Pedagoško delo, ki vsebuje vodeno poizvedovanje, prispeva k temu, da se učenci učijo učiti se in povečevati vpliv svojega učenja.
Information Literacy in Light of Constant Changes or (Re)considering Information Literacy
An important pedagogical task of the school librarian is to contribute to an increase in information literacy, which he/she achieves in cooperation with other professional staff at the school. Innovation in the pedagogical process requires continuous reflection on the concept of information literacy, especially on its incorporation into school work. Pedagogical work that includes guided inquiry contributes to the students learning how to learn and how to increase the effect of their learning.