Grad Žovnek – reševanje izgubljenega zaklada

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Na Slovenskem propadajo mnogi srednjeveški gradovi. Takšno usodo bi lahko doletela tudi grad Žovnek, če ga ne bi začeli obnavljati na pobudo Kulturnega zgodovinskega društva Žovnek Braslovče, kasneje je k obnovi pristopila tudi občina Braslovče. V prispevku je kratko opisana zgodovina gradu in prizadevanja za obnovo v zadnjih 25 letih. Grad je v tem času dobil novo podobo, čeprav obnova še zdaleč ni končana. Pri obnovi so izvajalci del odkrili mnoge prvine gradu, ki nam do sedaj niso bile poznane. Izvajalci obnove skušajo nekdanjo stavbo obnoviti čim bolj realno, čeprav vedno to ni možno. Posebno pozornost velja gradu nameniti tudi zato, ker je to prvotna rezidenca svobodnjakov in kasneje grofov Žovneških, ki so neposredni predniki pomembne plemiške rodbine grofov in knezov Celjskih. Gre torej za tematiko, ki si zasluži obravnavo tudi pri pouku zgodovine in/ali geografije – če ne drugače, pa vsaj v obliki medpredmetne ekskurzije.


Žovnek Castle – Saving Lost Treasure

Many medieval castles in Slovenia are falling into disrepair. Such a fate could have befallen Žovnek Castle had it not been restored on the initiative of the Žovnek Braslovče Cultural and Historical Society, later joined by the Braslovče municipality. This article briefly describes the history of the castle and the 25-year renovation, which is far from complete. During the renovation, the contractors discovered many elements of the castle that were previously unknown. The renovators have been trying to restore the former building as realistically as possible, although this is not always possible. The castle deserves special attention because it was the original residence of the freemen and later of the Counts of Žovnek, who were the direct ancestors of the important noble family of the Counts and Princes of Celje. It is, therefore, a subject that should be discussed in history and (or) geography lessons, at least in the form of a cross- curriculum school trip.