Govorna interpretacija dramskih besedil v osnovni šoli

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Zaradi specifične oblike zapisa in strukture dramskega dialoga je dramatika za učence najtežje berljiva literarna zvrst. V razredu učenci stik z njo največkrat vzpostavijo na ravni glasnega branja. V članku izhajamo iz predpostavke, da lahko s premišljeno pripravo na glasno branje pripomoremo k boljšemu razumevanju in doživljanju dramskega besedila. Na kratko predstavljamo izsledke primerjalne analize dveh različnih govornih uresničitev istega dramskega besedila, v kateri sta sodelovali dve skupini sedmošolcev, od katerih prva skupina na branje ni bila posebej pripravljena, druga skupina učencev pa je bila deležna poglobljene vsebinske, skladenjske in prozodijske priprave. Ugotovili smo, da je govorna uresničitev vnaprej pripravljene skupine mnogo boljša. Predstavljamo svoj model priprave na interpretativno branje dramskega besedila, ki smo ga osnovali na podlagi rezultatov analize in lastnih izkušenj. Vključuje vsebinsko in skladenjsko analizo ter po korakih uvaja osnove prozodije. V celoti ali posameznih segmentih po presoji učitelja je primeren za uporabo pri slovenščini in gledališkem klubu.


Spoken Interpretation of Dramatic Texts in Primary School

Due to the specific form of the text and structure of the dramatic dialogue, students find dramatic works the most difficult to read of all literary genres. In a classroom, students most often come into contact with such works when reading aloud. The article is based on the hypothesis that by deliberately preparing students for reading aloud, we can help them to better understand and experience the dramatic text. It briefly presents the findings of a comparative analysis of two different spoken realisations of the same dramatic text, in which two groups of seventh graders took part; the first group was not specially prepared for reading, whereas the second group of students was prepared in-depth as regards content, syntax and prosody. It has been established that the spoken realisation of the group which had been prepared in advance was much better. The article presents our own model for preparing students to read a dramatic text interpretatively, which is based on the results of the analysis and our own experience. It includes an analysis of content and syntax, and introduces the basics of prosody step-by-step. It can be used in Slovenian language lessons and in theatre clubs, either in full or in individual segments, as the teacher sees fit.