Formativno spremljanje uvajanja otrok v vrtec

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Uvajanje otrok je v Kurikulumu za vrtce zapisana pravica staršev. V vrtcih izvajamo uvajanje na različne načine, s ciljem postopnega soočanja otroka s spremembo. Številna strokovna spoznanja o razvoju otrok odločno kažejo na izreden pomen skrbnega pristopa odraslih, ko gre za proces ločevanja otroka od starša oziroma odraslega, na katerega je otrok navezan. Formativno spremljanje postavlja otroka v središče učnega procesa. Ko je otrok v središču, je učenje optimalno. Tako mora biti tudi predšolski otrok novinec postavljen v središče učnega procesa. Ker je glas najmlajših na predgovorni fazi, potrebujejo odrasle, ki razumejo njihove potrebe in psihosocialne posebnosti zgodnjega obdobja. Svetovalni delavci v vrtcih po svojih nalogah predstavljamo otrokov glas, zato je tudi uvajanje otrok ena od pomembnih nalog, v katere smo v vrtcih tesno vpeti. V prispevku prikazujemo primer formativnega spremljanja uvajanja otrok v vrtcu Rogaška Slatina.


Formative Assessment in Introducing Children to Kindergarten

Introducing children to kindergarten is defined as parental right in the kindergarten curriculum. This transition is implemented in kindergartens in different ways with the aim of gradually preparing the child for the change. Ample expert knowledge on child’s development stresses the utmost importance of a deliberate approach by adults when it comes to the process of separating the child from the parent or an adult to whom the child is attached. Formative assessment places the child at the centre of the learning process. When the child is at the centre, the learning is optimal. In the same way, preschool children who are newly introduced to kindergarten must also be placed at the centre of the learning process. In the early age, their voice is not yet formed and they need adults who understand their needs as well as the psychosocial characteristics of the early period. Th e work of kindergarten counselors is to act as their representatives, therefore introducing them to kindergarten is one of their important and meaningful tasks. Th e article presents a case of formative assessment in introducing children to kindergarten at the Kindergarten Rogaška Slatina.