Branje pravljic in pouk na daljavo na OŠ Franja Malgaja Šentjur

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Na OŠ Franja Malgaja Šentjur smo v času pouka na daljavo strokovni delavci otrokom lajšali pouk z branjem pravljic. V prilagojenem programu smo po dnevni izvedbi ur pouka na daljavo krepili medsebojne vezi z učenci s pomočjo večernega branja. Ob branju pravljic smo krepili odnos strokovnega delavca z otrokom, spoznali otroke na daljavo v drugi luči, jim lepšali čas in pomagali premagovati ovire pri pouku na daljavo. K poslušanju pravljic smo povabili bratce in sestrice ter staršem pomagali krepiti družinsko pismenost. S strokovnim pristopom in timskim sodelovanjem smo nadgradili socialni in kulturni kapital otrok. V ospredje smo postavili počutje naših otrok, vzdrževanje medsebojnega stika na daljavo ter krepili bralno razumevanje. Način vzdrževanja stika z otroki med trajanjem pouka na daljavo je tudi pot branja pravljic. Mi smo se ga lotili z veseljem, delovno vnemo in mislijo na lajšanje poteka pouka na daljavo.


Remote Reading of Fairy Tales and Distance Learning in Primary School Franjo Malgaj, Šentjur

During the distance learning period, the professional workers at the Primary School Franjo Malgaj in Šentjur facilitated the classes by reading fairy tales to children. The adjusted programme allowed us to strengthen our connections with students by engaging in evening reading after the daily implementation of distance learning classes. The time dedicated to reading fairy tales allowed professional workers to enhance their relationship with the children, see them in a different light, help them pass the time in a pleasant way and assist them in facing the challenges of distance learning. We invited their siblings to listen to the fairy tales with us and helped the parents in promoting family reading literacy. With a professional approach and teamwork, we upgraded the children’s social and cultural capital. The wellbeing of our children, maintaining of our relationships remotely and enhancing reading comprehension were at the forefront of our work. Reading fairy tales is one of the ways to maintain the contact with the children during the distance learning period, which was approached with joy, enthusiasm and the intent to facilitate distance learning.