Besede, besede

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V svojem prispevku sem izpostavila besedoslovje in besedotvorje v 2. letniku strokovne šole ter ugotovila, da se je zapletlo pri preverjanju in ocenjevanju nalog. O vsem tem se mladostniki učijo že v osnovni šoli; sami mislijo, da jim snov ne bo pretežka, a se izkaže drugače. Besedoslovje, predvsem sopomenke, tudi protipomenke, stalne besedne zveze, le ni tako enostavno. Frazemi so zelo trd oreh, ki se ga težko stre, saj dijaki smatrajo, da je to stvar preteklosti. Lažje se naučijo besed in besednih zvez iz tujih jezikov. Velik problem pri učenju besedoslovja imajo neslovenski dijaki, predvsem pri spoznavanju slogovno zaznamovanih besed, saj se z zbornim jezikom srečujejo le v šolskih klopeh. Če so tvorjene besede lažje poglavje, pa je izvor besed tisti del, ko se sposojenke in tujke v javnem prostoru lahko tudi pomešajo med seboj.


Words, Words …

The paper focuses on lexicology and word formation in the 2nd year of a technical school and shows that things get complicated when checking and marking assignments. Adolescents are already taught all of this in primary school and they think that this subject matter will not be too difficult; but they are proved wrong. Lexicology, especially synonyms, antonyms, and collocations, is not that simple after all. Idioms are a hard nut to crack because secondary school students believe they are a thing of the past. They find it easier to learn the words and phrases of foreign languages. Non-Slovenian students have great difficulty with learning lexicology, especially when it comes to stylistically marked words, since they only encounter standard language when in school. Compounds may be an easier chapter, but the origin of words is where loanwords and foreign words in the public sphere may become jumbled up.