Revija Glasba v šoli in vrtcu ob dvajsetletnici izhajanja ohranja notno prilogo, namenjeno različnim pevskim zasedbam. Objave zborovskih in inštrumentalnih skladb bogatijo in dopolnjujejo letno načrtovanje programov za različne zasedbe pevskih zborov, izbirnih predmetov, pouka glasbe in glasbene umetnosti ter drugih interesnih dejavnosti. Z analizo notnih prilog poudarjamo objavo zborovskih skladb, število skladateljev in uporabo glasbenih in literarnih izhodišč pri komponiranju skladb.
Analysis of Song Sheets for the Magazine Glasba v šoli in vrtcu (»Music in School and Preschool«) and the Use of Songs in the Education Process
The 20th edition of the magazine Glasba v šoli in vrtcu includes song sheets intended for different types of choirs. The publishing of choral and instrumental compositions enrich and complement the annual planning of programs for various choirs, elective subjects, music and musical art classes, and other extracurricular activities. By analysing the song sheets, a greater emphasis is put on the publications of choral compositions, the number of composers and the use of musical and literary premises in song composition.